Sunday, May 03, 2009

Free Comic Book Day

For those that don't know Free Comic Book Day is an annual promotional effort by the comic book industry to help bring new readers into independent comic book stores. Comic book retailers give away specially printed copies of comic books. Some also have guests and comic creators do appearances in their shops, which is what I did yesterday.

Rockin' Rooster invited me up for the day. I had the honor of sharing spaces with David Michael Beck (artsit for Jonah Hex, GI Joe, Star Wars, Purgatori, Thor, Lady Death, and on, and on...), Ric Connely (writer for Pinnacle, White Wolf Publishing), Aaron Crowell president of Horrorhound Magazine, JD Feigelson (writer of the film"Dark Night of the Scarecrow"), my friend Rocky Karlage of Ghost Walk Productions and some some guys I met at GenCon last year that go by the name of Night of the Living Podcast. The event was like a micro-convention!

Got tips from David Michael, shared con horror stories with Aaron, got to hang out with Rocky, did an interview with Night of the Living Podcast, details of which I'll be posting soon, and met a lot of new friends! The folks at Rockin' Rooster were awesome! Oh, and Heather bought me Marvel Zombies 3 for my b-day while we were there. 

David Michael Beck, Rocky Karlage  me
David Michael Beck, Rocky Karlage & Me

Me and a guy who really likes his Dead White  Blue!
Here's a guy who REALLY likes his Dead White & Blue!

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